Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have not forgotten I have a blog, I think about doing a blog post but I don't.
I will share what I have been doing the last few months since my last post. (if i can think back that far).
Hmmm, in June, I did summer semester at Chaffey College where I am currently attending. I took two classes which were Composition, or English, and College Algebra. Composition was easy; however, college algebra was not. I failed all of the tests and I was afraid that I was going to fail the class, but praise the Lord, I got a passing score on the final which my teacher said on the syllabus that we had to get at least a 65 or 68, I can't remember, and that our final grade would replace our lowest test grade, so it was the final that saved me from failing and having to take the class again.
In my composition class, we had a professor who was young and I think she might have just finished grad school. She was so cute, her name was Claire. She told us that she wouldn't be teaching at Chaffey College anymore because she got a job in San Diego that she would be working with students one on one to help them with school. I don't know exactly what else she would be doing. I passed Composition too.
After school ended, I went to Catalina with my Uncle and my cousin. It was so fun. I love Catalina. We left bright and early on a Tuesday morning, at 6:30 am because our boat left at nine and we had to be at the dock by 8:30 am. Getting up this early wasn't that hard because I have had to wake up earlier to go to my church at 4:30 in the morning to go to the airport for a 7:30 am flight. We left out of Newport harbor on the Catalina Flyer. The boat ride was so fun. After we got to Catalina, we hiked, yes hiked, with packs that my uncle and I were carrying and a regular sized backpack that my cousin was carrying. The hike from the boat dock to our campsite was about a mile and a half. It was hard but we did it. After we got to our campsite we set up our tent, my cousin and I shared a tent and my uncle was in his own tent. After we set up camp, I think we had lunch, then after lunch we got into our swimsuits and walked down to the beach which allot easier than walking up. The water was cold but it was fun.
I don't want to bore you with every single detail of all that we did so I'll just tell you that we went kayaking all day on Thursday, we went snorkeling in Lover's cove on Friday and we took a golf-cart tour on Friday as well. We also went on a 4.5 mile hike. which was amazing, yes amazing, i know some of you would be shocked to find that I found the hike enjoyable. I was a girl scout and in all the years I was a girl scout, we never took long hikes like the one we took in Catalina. We also met some friends which was exciting, so we weren't on the island alone with only ourselves to talk to which isn't bad, it's just nice to talk to people you don't see on a regular or semi-regular basis. One lady worked on the dock where our boat left from at a outdoor education place, one man was from america but has polish roots, one girl was from Windsor, and One man was from South Africa. For those who don't know, Catalina is a major tourist attraction. While we were out and about I heard a couple accents that I think were from the UK and Germany. Disneyland may be the Happiest Place on Earth to some people but to me, Catalina is the Happiest Place on Earth. I can't wait to go to Catalina again in the very near future.
The trip was so fun and we came back Saturday afternoon at about 6 or 7. I hope to go again soon.
Presently I am in school which started in August and I am enjoying my classes. I have Principles of Macroeconomics, Introduction to Religion, Earth Science, and Introduction to Sociology. My teacher are great except my Macroeconomics teacher who has a very dry sense of humor and isn't as fun as my other teachers. My intro to religion teacher is so fun and funny that some days I hate when class is over. The discussions in my Sociology class are very fun and enjoyable. My earth science teacher is amazing as well. The first day of class he reminded me of Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory.
Yesterday, I celebrated my 22nd birthday. I had a great day and I enjoyed my birthday. My mother made me a devils food cake and after my mother, sister, and brother-in-love got home from work, they sang Happy Birthday to me and we ate cake. I was able to blow my candles out with one breath(I think the ceiling fan might have helped a little bit. There is no one I would rather spend my birthday with than my mother, sister, brother-in-love, niece and nephew. My grandma and uncle kind of ruined my day but I don't want to get into that.
I got roller blades for my birthday and they look like the roller blades I had when I was little.
I am so blessed and yesterday I was reminded of that.
I would like to end my post with the Doxology which is a song/prayer people sing before meals.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
God bless you all my brothers and sisters in Christ,
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