Monday, December 19, 2011


There is a week left until Christmas and you may be asking me Have you done or finished your Christmas shopping yet?

Well to answer your question...kind of.

I have gotten a majority of it done but I still need to buy something for my mom. It's nice to see presents under the tree. While it's nice to buy presents, receive presents, and see all of the Christmas decorations, we need to remember the true meaning of Christmas.

For God so loved the World that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him, shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16

This verse explains the true meaning of Christmas. God sent his son to earth so that we may have eternal life. In order to have eternal life, we must believe in God. I believe in God but that is not all it takes to have eternal life. Jesus says that we must take up our cross and follow him. Taking up our cross means that we need to die to ourselves, which means that we need and must give up our own desires and wishes to allow God to have complete control.

We can have eternal life by asking God for forgiveness for the sins that we have done, believing that we have been saved, and commiting to following Jesus and allowing God's will in our lives.

Lately I have tried to give up control on my life and submit my life to God's will. It is difficult and I have not seen the results of my submission, but as I have often heard God is never late but right on time. I am completely open to God's timing in my life so it will take God's strength to get through the waiting and possibly more waiting and possibly disappointment.

Well that is all I wanted to say I hope you and your families have a great holiday season.

Merry Christmas,


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